Saturday, April 3, 2010

Raver life thus far.

I’m 25 years old, and recently got into raving about 5 months ago, a bit late in the game. I was very unadventurous when I was younger. Non-raver’sDSCN0071 are constantly pointing that out to me, “Oh, you’re still raving? I grew out of that when i was like 14!” (D-bag laugh) Well you know what? I grew out of being a dick! I know there are a lot of young ones that go to raves, but it’s so much more fun than going to a club. At a rave you can be yourself, and everyone’s your friend. Sure there are some drugs floating around, but even the one’s not on anything live by the raver code of PLUR (Peace, love, unity, and respect). Some have called the raver’s a new age hippie, because of its focus on music, and unity. I used to look down on the hippies of old, for their tree hugging ways, but now that I’m part of the rave scene I feel that they had something right going on. At a rave no one wants to fight and its smiles and good times all around. You can be yourself without the worry of someone pointing and laughing.


When I used to go clubbing fights would always break out, and people were out there on “the prowl”. Drama, drama, drama… Something I can do fine without. Bump into someone and you get rewarded with a “B” look. Awesome…


Ahem… Gloving and light shows! My friends and I decided to start up a light show team. “Light shows stimulate the brain and intensify the effect of the drug/drugs. Some would say these people that give lightshows are modern day shamans.” –wiki-. It may sound like we are advocating the use of drugs by giving out these light shows, but let’s face it, they would do it anyway. 5 months raving, 5 months of gloving, and having the best time in my life. If all this sounds like fun to you, go and find a rave!

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